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LabExact® VSS® Volatile Suspended Solids filter 1.5um Binderless glass microfiber filter 5.5cm (Pack of 100)

Grade VSS is a binder free material manufactured using a proprietary glass chemistry which permits usage in high heat applications beyond typical borosilicate glass blends. Ideally suited for determination of "Fixed & Volatile Solids Ignited at 550°C Method 2540E. Low fiber shedding improves quality assurance of test results and low percentage of weight loss when used in gravimetric tests. Particle retention of 1.50um and high loading capacity is an attribute of the high surface area and complex pore structure. Material is also compliant with the requirements of standard methods 2540C & 2540D and EPA Method 160.2 for establishing water quality in suspended solids content. Also widely used in air pollution monitoring, high temperature flue gas and filtration of high temperature solvents. “The residue of TSS, TDS after heating to dryness for a defined amount of time and at a defined temperature is defined as Fixed solids. Volatile solids are those solids lost on ignition (heating to 550 degrees C.) They are useful to the treatment plant operator because they give a rough approximation of the amount of organic matter present in the solid fraction of wastewater, activated sludge and industrial wastes.”

Product Type: Glass Microfiber
Brand: LabExact
Product Line: LabExact
Grade: VSS
Material: Binderless Glass
Disc Diameter: 5.5 cm
Pack Quantity: 100
Notes: Binderless, Grade VSS®

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