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LabExact® 934-AH® Glass Fiber Filter, Ready to Use, Prewashed, Dried and Preweighed for Standard Methods TSS or VSS Procedure, 4.7cm (Pack of 100)

Ready to use Grade 934-AH® Volatile Suspended Solids (VSS) or Total Suspended Solids (TSS) filters are processed to US EPA Standard Method 2540 C, D & E, washed using reagent grade water, dried, desiccated and weighed to 4 decimal place resolution. Each Grade 934-AH® binderless glass microfiber filter with 1.5µm retention is individually packaged in a pan with a human readable serial number, weight and barcode for scanning. Available in both 47 and 90mm diameters. Package of 100 washed, dried and tared ready to use VSS or TSS filters and pans.

Product Type: Glass Microfiber
Brand: LabExact
Product Line: LabExact
Notes: Binderless Pre Washed, Pre Weighed, Prewashed preweighed Grade 934-AH®

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