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$81.08 $104.75
1 – 1$104.75
1 – 3$81.08
4 +$76.36
SKU: USS-55205


Desiccator, Vacuum 8" (each)

These autoclavable desiccators are made of polypropylene (PP) and polycarbonate (PC) and can hold a vacuum up to 740mm Hg for 24 hours without any greasing. Autoclavable at 121°C for 15 minutes.

The top dome, molded in rigid and transparent PC, gives a crystal-clear view of the sample. The knurled knob on the top provides easy handling of the dome.

The lower part is made of PP and includes a perforated PP desiccator plate. An internal groove on the flange holds the silicon rubber O-ring.

The PP stopcock accepts 1/4" I.D. tubing and has a self-lubricating PTFE plug. Use the three-way plug to create a vacuum, release a vacuum, or for shut-off.

Product Type: Desiccators, Vacuum
Brand: United Scientific
Class: Plasticware
Capacity: 166 Clearance Above Plate
Overall Dimensions: 232/199 x 190 x 257mm(Flange OD/ID x Plate OD x Height) / Maximum Clearance 166mm

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